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Why building inspection is relevant when buying a new home

Every home buyer would be keen to purchase a building inspection before buying a new home despite knowing that it is new construction. Does it sound weird because building inspection reports primarily expose the defects and damages of the property? No, it is not an odd idea to go for a building inspection report, even for new construction, because there might be some invisible defects or structural and constructional issues that could surface soon after you enter your new home. Whether the property is new or old, highly recommended building and pest inspection from Brisbane to knowing as much as possible about its health allows buyers to make a well-informed decision. Instead of lamenting later, it is always better to see the property's condition in advance because looks can be very deceiving, even if it is new.
By knowing what you are getting, you can avoid unexpected expenses and extraems later, such as asbestos removal, that leave you frustrated. Since the property in question is new, you should arrange for a building inspection report and a pest inspection report to ensure that termites never become your guests. You can mention the type of story you want when you finalize the contract to purchase a building inspection before buying a new home.

New Property Condition Report (PCR) 

Although building inspection reports are part of pre-purchase activities, the inspection for new construction is slightly different concerning the review time. Since you want to inspect a newly constructed property that is ready for possession, you have either made full payment or have just retained a small part to be paid after possession. It means the inspection takes place just before occupancy and is not a pre-purchase inspection. The report will focus on general property defects, incomplete finishes, and other minor defects. This type of building inspection report is better known as the new property condition report.

Know your home condition. 

The property condition report or PCR acquires lots of importance because it tells you about the status of your new home. It explicitly mentions the property's physical conditions that cover the furniture and appliances, too, if it is a rental property. PCRs are very relevant if you want to be sure that the property you bought has minimal defects that should never be a big issue to get over. PCRs are especially helpful when moving into a rental property, as you can rectify the defects before jumping in. PCRs are especially helpful when you are moving into a rental property as you can get the defects rectified before jumping in. If you find something significant, you can take it up with the developer and pursue it for rectification before taking possession.

A building inspection is different from an appraisal 

Although building inspection reports help buyers negotiate, you must distinguish them from an assessment that allows determining the market value of a municipal inspection that verifies compliance with building rules and codes.

Building inspection report points out the defects and damages of properties that can protect buyers from making a wrong selection.
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