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Love Back?! Nico Matlala Trying To Win Lebo Mabe Back After Humiliating Her!

Love Back?! Nico Matlala Trying To Win Lebo Back After Humiliating Her! After posting humiliating videos on social media to shame his girlfriend Lebo Mabe, controversial businessman Nico is trying to win her back.

Nico has taken to his Instagram posting an apology to Lebo after their ugly break up. Now after reportedly spending a few nights in a police holding cell for allegedly assaulting Lebo at their home in Midrand, Nic expressed regret about the incident to Daily Sun.

“I have realized my mistakes. Both of us were acting childishly and allowed our emotions to take over. I am trying to fix things between me and Lebo,” he said.

Nico says he also wants to apologize to Lebo’s family. “I want to send my family to apologize to the Mabes…I also want to apologize to the public…seeing adults behaving the way we did was not okay.”

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