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Why women cheat more in summer

Wome are more likely to cheat on partners than men during the summer, research suggests.
The study found seven out of ten women were more likely to look for a lover online during the summer.
And more than four out of five members of the ‘fairer’ sex felt more desire for a lover specifically during the summer holidays.
The poll by a dating website asked 2,821 men and 1,654 women about their lustful desires.
Both men and women said the summer months see their appetite for a lover increase. But while seven in ten women said they were more likely to increase their online flirtations during the summer, only about half of the men surveyed said the same thing.
Two thirds of straying women also said they looked for excuses to return home early from family holidays for a moment with their lover.
The study found cheating women were more organised too, with 84 per cent saying it was essential to arrange trysts in advance, while 71 per cent of men agreed.
The only area men were more enthusiastic about was cybersex, with 58 per cent saying they sought time alone to indulge in that.

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