This week the buzz around Dloz'lami was about the way in which the episode was marketed. Moja Love centred it around the frog and it became such a significant point of the episode for the Dunquka family. But the frog and its representation for their father was the majority of the plot. We got to see said frog leap off and I couldn't help but wonder if it would get crushed. I'm hopeful that it didn't.

Nosizwe's love for her family is amazing
The most relevant part of the episode for me was Nosizwe's love for her family. She embraced them all, living with her brothers and her father and taking care of them. It is something I think of as being blessed. You cannot be lacking in blessings when you are so selfless and giving to those in your family.

I couldn't relate to having that and I feel as though many people couldn't either. The idea of a family looking out for family is slowly becoming extinct in my opinion.
But of course, Nosizwe's sacrifice was worth it in the end when their rushed meeting with Thembi sent them to the ocean. They turned over the frog and left to the beach, heading quickly to collect water and to pray over it while Thembi guided them carefully, giving instructions to an unwavering Nosizwe until they were done.
Do NOT collect ocean water alone
The biggest takeaway from this episode for me was the ocean water can be bad. Now reader if you are black like me and grew up near the ocean in Durban or elsewhere, you'll know that empty two-litre bottles are common. Not just because people were drinking but because they use them to get ocean water for cleansing. I did NOT know that collecting them unguided could bring you hardship.

Thembi said, " [In order to] take water from the ocean you need to be guided and the reasons have to make sense. Be careful with ocean water especially if you're going to take them into your homes."
Final thoughts
Thembi made it clear that bringing ocean water in without guidance means bringing everyone's problems into the house with you. I don't think most people knew what they were getting themselves into with that. I'm hoping we all learn about these delicate things. The only way to grow is to learn and Thembi does this for us every week.
What did you think of this weeks episode? Let me know in the comments...
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Source: Dloz'lami on Moja Love DSTV channel 157