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Thembi Seete Reportedly Expecting Her First Child At 40

Congrats are in order for the gorgeous singer and actress who is reportedly expecting her first child.
According to TshisaLIVE, eyewitnesses who were at Thembi’s Ponds unvelieng said her baby bump was clearly visible despite trying to hide it in a flowy Gert Johan red dress.
“She tried to hide it but there was no way you could miss the bump at some points,” one source told the publication. Speaking to Drum Magazine about the speculations, Thembi could not confirm or deny that she was pregnant.
“In my culture we don’t share information about the baby until it is born. The time will come when I am ready to share, but for now, let’s just say 2018 is going to be an eventful year for me,” she said.
“It’s always been my dream to have a baby because I think I am ready for it. I’m calmer and every opportunity that’s happening right now in my life is because I’m so peaceful. I’m so ready for it.”
To the @ponds_sa #Unstoppable Ladies @basetsanakumalo @thee_sonia @zuraidajardine @azania_ @sureshnierider @theemrswillis @devashni_ganess 👸🏾💕❤️💐. We might not get a chance to meet all the time but I truly appreciate all of you. God has put together all my teachers, my guardians, my sisters and friends. He has put the most amazing team to walk this journey with me. It is rare to be teamed up with such power and poise. I look forward to working alongside each of you and I can not wait to store up every lesson I can. Ladies, thank you once again. We are the team that will change the narrative around beauty. We will guide our women in becoming unapologetically themselves and embrace their #Unstoppable spirits and beauty. This is a love that comes with no question and no expectations but just pure authenticity. I love and appreciate you all. Here's to @ponds_sa #Unstoppable Lessons, #Unstoppable memories and #Unstoppable growth
A post shared by Thembi Seete (@thembiseete_) on

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