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Bonang Matheba Comes To Rescue Stranded Graduate’s

Say what you want about Bonang but you can never erase what she’s doing for the disadvantaged black community. On top of sending students to school through her bursary initiative, Bonang still gives more back to the community. Bonang comes to stranded graduate’s rescue.

Bonang Comes To Stranded Graduate’s Rescue

The beauty of it all is the media personality does not make it an announcement. The only reason this came to light is because the person in need shared her problem on social media.

A UKZN graduate tweeted how she lost a job offer in China because she couldn’t provide the original copies of her degree for Visa. Soon after Bonang tweeted her offering to help. “@Nanazileh lemme help you,” Bonang tweeted.

No doubt Bonang leads by example and gives back just as much as she’s given.
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