Paralympic tennis player Jordanne Whiley and swimmer Lewis Edwards are among athletes competing at Rio 2016 paralympic games and despite their handicapped situation have posed nude ahead of the games next week to smash and kick away all stereotypes relating to handicapped or disabled people/athletes.
Tennis ace Jordanne Whiley, 24, of Halesowen, West Mids said to Sport magazine: “I wanted to show people you can do beautiful shoots without being a tall model.
“That’s quite obvious. I’m short, I’m disabled and I’m nowhere near perfection. But I’m very comfortable in my skin.

“I’m healthy and I think that’s what women should strive for – athletes are great role models. Role models should be real people, too. I’m flawed, I’m a normal person.
Powerlifter Ali Jawad, 27, representing Team GB said to the magazine: “The emphasis in my event is on bench press. It’s an all-body movement, so you need all-around strength. Not having legs means it’s twice as hard because I don’t have that plant on the floor.
“My core has to be stronger than the average person, and my back has to be strong to support the weight. My best bench is 202kg, which is almost three and a half times my bodyweight of 58kg. If I hit that in Rio, I’ll be looking at a medal.”
The magazine will feature a nude image of a sportsperson each week over the duration of the Paralympics.