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My husband wanted to have a threesome, WE did it , then bring his two friends for foursome

Dear Auntie Mona I am 27 and my husband 30. He called on a day we should have a threesome. 

We then found a friend, and the threesome was quite not bad. So after a while I said as a joke to him that I wonder if I two men could handle. Auntie, when he arrived one night with two of his buddies at our house. He then told me to pass. 

Auntie, at the beginning it was not that great, but afterwards it was. My mouth, anus and vagina was that night constantly full. 

Auntie, it's now weeks after I had with him and his two friends at the same time sex, and he was suddenly no mood for me. He says I'm a whore! Auntie, I'm not one. But how can I now things between us fix? - Cookie 

Auntie Mon
Sex between two people is a very intimate experience, especially if the two people are married. It's looking for trouble to involve a third party to your sex.

 Well, most men fantasize about but a threesome, but if it occurred, those fantasy most of the time gone forever. You come with the suggestion that you want to see how you can handle simultaneously two or three men. 

You never told him you make a joke. He probably rife ruminations and then one night decided to get this thing behind us. He did not want to disappoint because you admitted that he could live out his fantasy. 

When he arrived with the two men, you had told him you have just made a joke. But you continued. You said yourself at the beginning it was not that great, but afterwards it was. He could not take it that you enjoy yourself with anyone else, even though he was there. 

You say you have just made a joke to him, but did not know how to tell him when he arrived with the men. You will also have to take an oath to him, it never considered again. He will eventually get over it, because he is the one who started it. Men at least!

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