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Jo-Ann Strauss posting on #PennySparrow insinuated Twitter community

Former Miss South Africa Jo-Ann Strauss has found herself in hot water after she tweeted an African proverb in response to the #PennySparrow racist comment, which has had the entire country in a heated debate since Sunday night.
Penny made some nasty comments about black people and went as far as calling them monkeys. This got a lot of people up in arms and she was called to order. 
She has since apologised for her Facebook post. However, a lot of people are still not impressed. While some were sharing their thoughts on the matter, Jo-Ann also shared her views by posting a proverb. 
The African proverb did not sit well with some Twitter users who thought that the Top Billing host was out of line for posting something that insinuated that people should ignore the derogatory and racist terms directed towards them. 

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