Media mogul
Basetsana Kumalo and her husband Romeo have stood the test of time. On Wednesday, Bassie took to Instagram to share their journey so far.
The beautiful message read: "15 years ago, I looked deep into your eyes and committed my life to you. You promised to look after my heart and you have, you promised to protect me,and you have, you promised to love me and you do. You have allowed me to live my truth and celebrated each milstone I achieve."

She said he guides and advises her and always had her back. "Even through the season's of life, I have never doubted your love for me Mashobane! Thank you for the most beautiful children, the way you look at them and love them, makes me fall in love with you everyday Mntungwa!"
She added: "Thank you for loving this imperfect being, thank you for making my life so beautiful and full of joy! Thank you for chosing me to be your girl! All of me loves all of you! Mbulaz'omnyama, Mzilikazi, Mntungwa, Mashobane, Zikode kaMkhatshwa,uBaba wezingane zam'! Happy Anniversary Sthandwa sam..."