President #Ramaphosa: All regulations and directions made in terms of the Disaster Management Act following the declaration of the national state of disaster in response to COVID-19 are repealed with effect from midnight tonight, with the exception of a few transitional measures.
I am reading the Act now. No power of any regulation remains after the State of Disaster is lifted.
Section 59 - the Mimister may not make regulations inconsistent with this Act.
The provision is linked to the Declaration of a State of disaster, either National, Provincial or Municipal.
Once that lapses or is lifted by a notice in the Gazette, that is IT.
SOD over = all regulations made during SOD no longer apply.
Game Over.
Please read the following.
Up to 10 years prison sentence for those who VIOLATE these laws?The Department of Health has published NEW regulations under the National Health Act which will effectively act as a LONG - TERM replacement to South Africa’s state of disaster Covid regulations
This means PERMANENT Covid restrictions would be in place, with the potential for future “regulations” to be implemented, including:�Restricting gatherings / Canceling Gatherings (Church Meetings)
Requiring vaccine certificates for any gatherings
Implementing curfews
Nationwide Lockdowns
Mandatory medical examinations, isolation, and treatments
Mandatory Face masks everywhere
SAY NO to this amendment. Follow the link:
Under the “comments” section we have drafted a suggested response that you can COPY and PASTE into the comment section on the website link:
1. Totally oppose the proposed regulations
2. We are not in favour of wearing masks
3. We are not in favour of producing vaccination certificates to attend Church
4. We are not in favour of restrictions on numbers at gathering inside and outside
5. We oppose the fines and jail sentence proposed