Not so long ago South Africa was shocked by the sudden passing of Patrick Shai Who according to rumours took his own life after suffering a long battle with mental illness. Now South Africans are even more shocked as one of their famous celebrities is said to have passed on in the early hours of the night. It was revealed in the early morning that Ricky Rick had taken his own life after a battle with depression.

In the early morning of the 23rd of February 2021, it was posted on the internet that the famous rapper had died. It was posted by one of the most famous news page on social media Maphephandaba. It was said that the rapper had been suffering from mental illness for quite some time and try to keep it under wraps.
Now many people are sending rest in peace messages on Twitter even though there has not been a proper confirmation of his death. What can be said is that with the last two celebrities who passed away all the rumours ended up being true and people fear that this one to could be the case. What makes matters worse is his last post on social media.

Around 3 in the morning on the 23rd of February the rapper posted a tweet about him coming back a better man as he said This land Is still his home. No one knew what he meant by that but since there are rumours of his death people thought that is his last message to his fans. Up until now there has not been any confirmation of his death and people are only waiting for the family or any reputable source to confirm it.
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