The Water is Getting Hotter. I smell Gunpowder.

As I predicted, petrol is hitting R20 in November 2021. In South Africa, the revolution is coming. Out of control petrol and diesel prices shall fuel our impending revolution. Not the EFF’s rhetoric. No. Not even the sweet ANC corruption stories. No. The price of petrol and diesel shall do it for us, it shall bring the house crashing down. I smell it.
2022 is going to be a tough year and the years thereafter shall be unbearable. Rampant food inflation is the flame that will ignite the kerg. Food prices are fast going up and some staple food is already unaffordable to the large swaths of our society. Today, eggs are a luxury. Milk and potatoes are out of reach. A tin of Lucky Starfish is swinging high at R25. My people, I smell the gunpowder.
High fuel + hyper-inflated food + massive job losses + relentless show-off of wealth = violent revolution. The political elites do not see it coming, but the rich white class see it. Capital flight to offshore accounts is at its highest since year 1652. Many mansions in Saddle Brook, SilverLakes and Zimbali are empty. Emigration applications to Canada, Australia, UK and New Zealand are at a fever pitch. If they are not immigrating, they are immigrating their money offshore (to follow later). Even our black BEE elites are open accounts in Bermuda, The Netherlands, Luxembourg, the Cayman Islands and Singapore. Our wealthy compatriots are smelling the gunpowder. They know that the revolution is coming.
For the rest of us poor wretched souls, we have nowhere to go. As the water gets hotter and hotter, those of us who can see this thing, pretend like all is okay. We hope a miracle will come to save us. But, the majority of sections of our society is just ignorant of the facts, they have no clue. They shall wake up when it is too late. When 10kg of IWISA is R350. When an R8000 salary can only fill a handbasket at Shoprite. Ka-Booom! They shall fill the streets. South Africa will not survive Petrol at R25/l, R30/l and R35/l. Something is coming and we are not ready to smell it.
So farewell to the Botha, van Niekerk and Viljoens as they exit our shores. Again congratulations to comrade Mulaudzi, Ndlovu, Msinga, Smith and Rupert on your offshore heaven accounts. To all of us, let us fasten the seatbelts (if you have any). The water is getting hotter and hotter.
Djo BaNkuna