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Idols Top 10 contestant Ithana withdraws from the show before it even starts

Last Sunday the top 10 contestants for the Idols season 17 were revealed. This means its only 10 weeks until the show's finale. The show attracts talented people all over the country who want to be the next Idol. Each week people strive to be on the next show until the finale.

However, this season, a contestant has withdrawn from the show just before the Top ten live show was broadcasted. Ithana withdrew from the show last night due to medical conditions.

Most people felt she didn't deserve the spot when the top 10 was announced. People on social media felt Zukisa was a better contestant than Ithana.

Also read: Car accident has claimed the life of TV Presenter's daughter.

Probably Ithana thought she would get better and continue with the live shows and later realised she couldn't. Her health is far more important after all. People also felt she should have been replaced by a contestant who had at least more votes than the contestants who weren't selected as the top 10.

Zukisa had done well on his performance in the top 16 and he probably did deserve a spot in the top 10, people sentiments are understandable.

Should Idols bring back Zukisa or the show must go on?

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