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Rumour Zodwa Wabantu’s shows are getting spoiled

Although new recordings of Zodwa Voshoing surface each end of the week, there has been some feedback of her "doing old things likewise" via web-based networking media.

While there is no denying that Zodwa Wabantu has a firm fan following, chat via web-based networking media has been that the sultry performer's exhibitions are getting stale.

Addressing TshisaLIVE, Zodwa said she knew individuals needed her to attempt different moves or learn new traps, yet she isn't staged.
“They just want me to fit into their moulds or be like someone they know. I want them to know that I am in charge, they cannot tell me what to do. The people still love Zodwa, and they love me because I don’t do what others do. I am myself, so why must I change now?”

She even brought the slips, offering to demonstrate to us her calendar that shows she is wholly reserved until October.

“I have been to America and Australia, and they love me. I am the same at all my shows. People know what they get from me. I think it is the pressure I bring. If I were worried about what they say, I would go dancing lessons.”

She said that individuals need her to show them new moves when they can't even Vosho appropriately. Truth be told, she may soon discharge recordings via web-based networking media to demonstrate to individuals generally accepted methods to do it adequately.

“People invite me to join their dance classes, but I know they want to take something from me. I don’t want that, I am okay in my own lane.”
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