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33 Year old Vusi Thembekwayo Taking Legal Action Over Budget Speech False Allegations

#otherthingsVusiwrote Black twitter blew up trolling the entrepreneur with the hashtag, . Vusi has finally officially released his statement on the matter. Vusi says he never said he wrote the speech.
Vusi Thembekwayo Taking Legal Action Over Budget Speech False Allegations! A week ago, a social media influencer tweeted that Vusi had told a crowd of listeners that he wrote former Minister of Finance Malusi Gigaba’s budget speech.

“The allegation is not true and we have a fantastic system of law in this country, if you allege something, you have the obligation to prove it. I would invite the person who made the allegation to show us the the proof that I said it,” Vusi said in a video posted on his Facebook page.

Vusi went on to explain why he’s taking legal action. “We’re taking legal action on the matter because publishing something something on social media is the same as publishing on a billboard or newspaper. Reputation is important.”

Watch his whole statement below.

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