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The proudly Xhosa actress Branda Ngxoli's first bikini pic at age 36

There is no doubt that Brenda Ngxoli is a talented actress, her passion for her craft is not hard to miss and we often read about her slaying ways in the acting industry. This time around the focus is not on her acting, but rather on her hot bikini body.
We love seeing women taking good care of themselves and making their health their most valuable asset. Brenda  proved to us that taking good care of herself is a priority to her when she posted her first bikini picture on social media.
'Throw back to the past weekend on the first bikini pic on social media ever. #36yrs old and Proud! #Celebrating MeSelf #LovingMeSelf flaws and all.' The proudly Xhosa actress captioned it.
We absolutely love Brenda's bikini body and we hope there will be more of such pics to come. She is slaying us to the core.
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