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Mroza's Van Damme didn't won Song of the Year but won 31st song the day

Mroza's Van Damme won SABC Song of the Year by 5%. SABC can justify their rules but The real song of proved by performance most days or months of The year, not by overnight drankans

The auditing report for the SABC Summer Song of the Year vote was released by the public broadcaster. Auditing firm Sizwe Ntsaluba Gobodo on Wednesday afternoon revealed just how close the battle for the prestigious title was.
According to the report, Mroza's hit garnered 176,452 votes (20%) of the total eligible votes cast, beating out its nearest rival (King Monada's Ska Bhora Moreki) by 43,836 votes.
Van Damme's success surprised many fans, who thought that Babes Wodumo's Wololo or King Monada's Ska Bhora Moreki  would take the crown.
Ska Bhora Moreki  accumulated 132,616 votes (15%).
While Babes Wodumo's Wololo came in a close third with 14.3% of the total votes.
The rules of the SABC Summer Song of the Year competition dictated that the winner of the award should have a "presence in at least five different radio stations and have the highest number of votes based on all votes received, regardless of station".
Social media was quick to questions whether Van Damme was the legitimate winner. The SABC said it released the official results in "the spirit of transparency".
As winner of the award, Mroza walks away with a brand new car and R150,000 cash. He will receive his prize at an official ceremony in January.

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