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#RIPAmerica RIP America: World mourns 'death' of USA as Trump wins election

Donald Trump will be named the next US President today after taking a huge lead over Hillary Clinton during the vote count.
And the world is already mourning the 'death' of the United States.
Thousands of people are taking to Twitter with the hashtag #RIPUSA to express their shock at Trump's shock win.
One thing everyone can agree on is that history was definitely made yesterday.
Here are just some of the reactions as the world wakes up to the news.

How can Americans be so dumb as to make lying racist sexual predator Donald Trump President?

The 'series finale'

"It's over"

US 'in flames'

"He's not my President"

Others compared Michelle Obama to Melania Trump

One person even noted a 9/11 similarity

"Jesus will be here"

"Impending apocalypse"

"Can't believe it"


The New York Times and the bookmakers are predicting Republican candidate Trump will win the election - having rated his chances at just 20% when the first polls closed
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